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Praline 2 - MIKEs FotoGRAFie (9).jpg
Praline - MIKEs FotoGRAFie (527).jpg
Pra qui saute Vaq.jpg


Birthday : 2003

Race : ONC

Coat color : Chestnut

Praline is Anne-Gaëlle's first mare. When Anne-Gaëlle got her in 2011, she was suffering from laminitis and was condemned to die by vets. With a tone of love and patience, Anne-Gaëlle was able to save Praline. As the horse  could not be ridden during her recovery, they went walking side by side for hours. Thanks to those long walks, they discovered little by little liberty work. In 2013, they participated to a horse contest that they won. This first success allowed Anne-Gaëlle to save another mare from slaughter : Albakane.

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